The entries in the 'Frequencies' tab represent the number of specimens of a particular taxon found in that sample. The entries in the 'Quantitative values' tab represent the number of specimens of a particular taxon per gram of rock for that sample, calculated using the equation: ((a/b)*(20848c))/d = q where a = the number of specimens of a particular taxon found, b = the number of Lycopodium recorded in the 200 count, c = the number of Lycopodium tablets added to the sample, d = the amount of rock processed in grams and q = the quantitative value. These data were gathered for the production of the PhD thesis entitled 'The Middle Devonian palynology and biostratigraphy of northern Spain' by Alexander John Askew (2018). Detailed descriptions of the study sites used and the nature of the rock samples gathered can be found therein.