cost.csv is a comma-separated file containing relative fitness data for all phage-resistant PAO1 spontaneous mutants, as shown in Figure 2. Ancestor = ancestral genotype (FT1,2 or 3); Selection_type = Single, Sequential, Simultaneous, None (ancestral control) with phage identity described by SelectionPhage1 and SelectionPhage2 and exact treatment under TreatmentID. Date growth curves performed included for statistical analysis. Integral, MaxOD, MaxGrowthRate, TimeMaxGrowthRate, AbsMaxGrowthRate (OD at max) and LagTime extracted individual growth curve replicates. RefMaxGrowthRate is the mean growth rate of the respective ancestral genotype used to calculate RelativeFitness. resistance.csv is a comma-separated file containing resistance data for phage-resistant PAO1 spontaneous mutants show in Figure 1. Ancestor = ancestral genotype (FT1,2,3); Selection_type = Single, Sequential, Simultaneous, None (ancestral control) with phage identity described by SelectionPhage1 and SelectionPhage2 and exact treatment under TreatmentID. Phage = phage resistance was assayed against. RBGTime = time at which RBG measurement taken. RBG = relative bacterial growth (change in OD600 with phage relative to phage-free growth). Supplementary_Table_1.pdf contains a pdf version of Supplementary Table 2 showing the specific mutations identified in phage-resistant PAO1 mutants, the genes which are affected and their putative impact.