The Excel file "EQ5D EQ5DV VFQUI calculator" caclulates a person's utility using three measures when the user enters the person's age, sex, and number of letters they can see with their better seeing eye (BSE) and worse seeing eye (WSE). The calculator uses mappings developed by Becky Pennington et al at the University of Sheffield in 2019. The mappings are described in an abstract here: and a full length paper is in production. To use the calculator: - Enter the person's age, in years, in cell C4 in Sheet "Person's data". - Select the persons's sex, as male or female, from the dropdown in cell C6 in Sheet "Person's data". - Enter the number of letters the person can see with their better seeing eye, using the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) scoring system, in cell C8 in Sheet "Person's data". - Enter the number of letters the person can see with their worse seeing eye, using the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) scoring system, in cell C10 in Sheet "Person's data". The person's utility as measured using the Visual Functioning Questionnaire-Utility Index (VFQ-UI) will automatically update in cell C12 in Sheet "Person's data". The person's utility as measured using the EQ-5D three level will automatically update in cell C14 in Sheet "Person's data". The person's utility as measured using the EQ-5D three level with vision bolt-on (EQ-5D V)will automatically update in cell C16 in Sheet "Person's data". The sheets "Mapping inputs VFQ", "Mapping inputs EQ5D", and "Mapping inputs EQ5DV" contain the variables calculated from the mappings described in the publications. The sheets "Calculations VFQ", "Calculations EQ5D", and "Calculations EQ5DV" use the variables from the mappings to calculate utility scores. Making changes to the cells any of these sheets will result in errors.