Read me The data is related to the article: Timmers, R., Macritchie, J., Schabrun, S. M., Thapa, T., Varlet, M., & Keller, P. E. (2020). Neural multimodal integration underlying synchronization with a co-performer in music: influences of motor expertise and visual information. Neuroscience Letters. DOI: 10.1016/j.neulet.2020.134803 Questions can be addressed to the first author at DOI for data: 10.15131/ Three data files are included: 1) Main_SD_data_split 2) Log_mean_abs_diff_data_split 3) Full_data_pulse_only 1) Main SD data is the data used for the main data analysis of the study. This is the standard deviation of the differences between the target and the participant in onset timing of the target tone (sdONSET), the inter-onset-interval of the target tone to the next tone (sdIOI) and the duration of the target tone (onset-to-offset, sdDUR). The standard deviation of the differences is calculated per experimental condition. Experimental conditions include 3 TMS conditions (Sham, dPMC, IPS) x 3 audio-visual conditions (Audio only, Audio-video, and Audio-animation) x 2 durations (short, long). SD values for different conditions are given in separate columns. The coding of the columns relates to the experimental conditions: T0, T1 and T2 refer to TMS conditions Sham (0), dPMC (1), and IPS (2) A0, A1 and A2 refer to AV conditions Audio only (0), Audio-video (1), and Audio-animation (2) D0, and D1 refer to Duration conditions short (0)and long (1) 2) This data relates to the alternative measure of the deviation between the target and the participant, analysed in the secondary analysis of the study. This data is derived from the absolute difference between the target and the participant in onset timing of the target tone (ONSET), the inter-onset-interval of the target tone to the next tone (IOI) and the duration of the target tone (DUR). This absolute difference is log transformed to correct for skewedness of the data. The average log absolute difference values are calculated for each experimental conditions, which are the same as for data set 1. The coding of the columns relates to the experimental conditions: T0, T1 and T2 refer to TMS conditions Sham (0), dPMC (1), and IPS (2) A0, A1 and A2 refer to AV conditions Audio only (0), Audio-video (1), and Audio-animation (2) D0, and D1 refer to Duration conditions short (0)and long (1) 3) This data set presents the full, raw data as collected in the experimental trials, apart from data outliers, which have been removed. Columns refer to Participant (participant number), TargetTime (absolute time in ms from start of the data recording), Target_Time (time in ms from start of the performance), Target_IOI (interval to next tone onset in ms), Target_DUR (onset-to-offset in ms), Pitch (MIDI number), Note (note number in score), Trigger (trigger number out of 3), MEL (melody out of 4), VERSION (expressively performed version out of 3), Repetition (out of 2), Trial (trial number in experiment), P_Context (performerÕs target note onset time from start of the performance in ms), P_IOI (target note inter-onset-interval of participant in ms), P_Dur (target note onset-to-offset of participant in ms), TMS (TMS condition 0-Sham, 1-dPMC, 2-IPS), AV (audio-visual condition, 0-Audio only, 1-Audio-video, 2-Audio-animation), ONSET_df (difference in onset timing between target and participant in ms), IOI_df (difference in target inter-onset-interval between target and participant in ms), DUR_df (difference in onset-to-offset duration between target and participant in ms), ndur (nominal note duration of the target tone, 1-short, 2-long).