The data in this folder pertains to the paper Fish et al 2020, npj Biofilms and Microbiomes, "Unchartered waters: the unintended impacts of residual chlorine on water quality and biofilms". Please see the paper for full method and data analysis details, as well as a detailed description of the sampling point nomencluture. Contents of this folder are labelled and organised to correspond to the figures of the aforementioned paper: "Figure 2_WQ data.csv" This is a data file including the averages (av) and standard deviations (sd) plotted in Figure 2 of the paper. It includes Turbidity (ntu), Iron (fe), Manganese (mn) concentrations, for three chlorine regimes: Low (de), Medium (nd) and High (cb) chlorine. The columns "Shear", "flow" and "flush", relate to the shear stress and flow rate of each of the flushing steps (1-4). "Figure 4_Flow cyto data.csv" Total cell count (TCC) and Intact cell count (ICC) for biofilms from each of the three chlorine regimes: Low, Med and High at Sample points: Pre-Flush 1 (Pre1), Post-flush 1 (Post1), Pre-Flush 2 (Pre2) or Post-Flush 2 (Post2). Data were collected in triplicate. "Table 2_biofilm EPS data.csv" This includes raw data pertaining to the volume (um^3 per field of view) of carbohydrates (ch), proteins (pn) or cells (cell) for samples from three chlorine regimes: Low (de), Medium (nd) and High (cb) chlorine. Sampled at Pre-Flush 1 (D28), Post-flush 1 (EF), Pre-Flush 2 (RD28) or Post-Flush 2 (REF). The collection of .txt files are all XRF data outputs which were used to generate Figure 3 of the paper and supplementary figures. They include the elemental analysis of biofilm samples from the sampling points Pre-Flush 1 (D28), Post-flush 1 (EF), Pre-Flush 2 (RD28) or Post-Flush 2 (REF). Within the folder for each sampling point are three files for each chlorine regime Low (de), Medium (nd) and High (cb) chlorine. This data was normalised against the XRF information from the controls.