Copyright Jared Charles 2021 This data repository is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 International license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). This data repository consists of the laboratory data generated during my PhD project titles: “Reconstruction of Soil Stress-Strain Response Using Optimisation” The laboratory experiments were monotonic 1g footing tests on undrained clay. 4 clay specimens were consolidated to 200kPa and were seeded with floc to allow for a suitable texture for Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). Each specimen underwent 2 footing tests (20mm width and 40mm width) with PIV image data recorded from both sided os the specimen strong box. Footing loading and displacement data was recorded. Supplementary testing consisting of Triaxial, CPT, and Shear vane tests were carried out. The file structure is as follows: *** Box1/2/3/4RawData - This contains the raw data for each specimen. Subfiles: Camera1/2 - These files contain image data w20/w40 refers to footing width. t1/t2 refers to test 1 (the initial footing displacement) and test 2 (additional loading after a short pause, was not used in thesis) CPT - This contains LabView outputs for the CPT tests carried out SensorData- This contains LabView outputs for the load cells and LVDTs. File nomenclature is the same as the camera folder Triaxial - This contains the outputs for UU triaxial testing carried out on cores from the specimen *** CalibratedPIVdata - This contains the final calibrated PIV patch displacement data *** CalibratedSensorData - This file contains the final calibrated sensor data along with an Excel sheet with calibration parameters *** CameraCalibration - This file contains the camera calibration parameters along with subfolders containing photos of the checkerboard pattern for use with the Matlab image processing toolbox *** LabPhotos - This folder contains photographs of various lab equipment and the specimens.