Read me file for Major Trauma Triage Study Health Economic Model Please read Pollard et al for more details. Below are details of the files contained within this repository: README.txt - this file LICENCE - licence file Patient Characteristics files means.csv - this file that contains the mean values for patient's age (years), gender (1= male, 0=female), Injury severity score (ISS), Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), Blunt trauma injury status (1= blunt trauma, 0=penetrating trauma) covariance_dutch_v2.csv - this file is a csv file that contains the variance-covariance matrix to correlate all of the above patient characteristics when sampling individual patients within the model. age_tab_dutch_v2.csv - this file is a csv file that contains the age groups (years) for patients with suspected major trauma, numbers of people in each group and values used to simulate the age distribution of patients in the model blunt_tab_dutch_v2.csv - this file is a csv file that contains the classification of patients into blunt or penetrating trauma (1= blunt, 0 = penetrating), numbers of people with each type of injury and values used to simulate whether patients have blunt or penetrating trauma GCS_tab_dutch_v2.csv - this file is a csv file that contains the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) for patients with suspected major trauma, numbers of people with each GCS score and values used to simulate the distribution Glasgow Coma Scale for patients in the model ISS_tab_dutch_v2.csv - this file is a csv file that contains the Injury Severity Scale (ISS) for patients with suspected major trauma, numbers of people with each ISS score and values used to simulate the distribution ISS for patients in the model male_tab_dutch_v2.csv - this file is a csv file that contains the classification of patients to either male or female (1=male, 0=female), numbers of people of either gender and values used within the model simulation to determine gender. N.B. - for full public access, it was necessary to merge some categories in these files to prevent the reporting of small numbers. Access to the original files can be made available upon a reasonable request to: Model parameter files lifetime-health care costs.csv - this file is a csv file that lists the lifetime health cre costs for patients in the UK by age and gender. ONSlifetables.csv - this file contains a copy of the ONS lifetables 20XX-20XX parameters.csv -this file contains a copy of all the parameters used within the model R files All analyses in the paper were run using R version 4.0.2 ideal-winner.Rproj - this is the R project file that must be loaded prior to running the model Master major trauma model file.R - this file contains all of the user defined model inputs and code required to run the model that is needed to produce a set of results with this model Functions.R - this file contains all of the code that is used to run the model in R Folders These folders contain all the variations of the Master Major Trauma model file.R that are needed to reproduce our analysis Deterministic - This folder contains all variants of the Master major trauma model file.R needed to produce our base case deterministic results (note not recommended as this model requires probabilistic analysis) Base Case - New TARN - This folder contains all variants of the Master major trauma model file.R needed to produce our base case analysis using a probabilistic sensitivity analysis Base Case - This folder is an old version, that contains all variants of the Master major trauma model file.R needed to produce an analysis using the 2005 TARN risk equation for within hospital mortality in UK for patients with suspected major trauma 25% benefit - ISS 9 to 15 - This folder contains all variants of the Master major trauma model file.R needed to produce our sensitivity analysis in which patients with an ISS between 9 and 15 (inclusive) receive 25% of the benefit from MTC care compared to patients with an ISS of 16 or over 50% benefit - ISS 9 to 15 - This folder contains all variants of the Master major trauma model file.R needed to produce our sensitivity analysis in which patients with an ISS between 9 and 15 (inclusive) receive 50% of the benefit from MTC care compared to patients with an ISS of 16 or over 75% benefit - ISS 9 to 15 - This folder contains all variants of the Master major trauma model file.R needed to produce our sensitivity analysis in which patients with an ISS between 9 and 15 (inclusive) receive 75% of the benefit from MTC care compared to patients with an ISS of 16 or over