This dataset contains all the raw data and pictures created for TestoliniÕs PhD Thesis: Ceramic Technology and Cultural Change in Sicily from the 6th to the 11th century AD. The complete dataset is uploaded here. The Dataset is divided in three main collections: - Macroscopic pictures: this is a folder that contains the macroscopic pictures of all the vessels sampled for this research. Pictures are organised in folders named with the site where the vessels were found. - Petrographic Fabrics pictures: this folder contains the photomicrographs of all the thin sections analysed in this thesis. The pictures are organised according to their petrographic group. Each petrographic group indicates the mineralogical composition and the possible provenance. Detailed description of the petrographic groups and the methodology employed in their classification can be found in chapter 4 of the thesis. - Glazes SEM_EDS data: This folders contains all the SEM pictures taken for a selection of 37 samples and the EDS measurements relative to the pictures. The SEM-EDS analyses were performed in Oxford at the Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art (RLAHA) with Dr. M. Matin, and in Barcelona at the Univeristat Polytecnica de CatalunyaÕs Department of Physics with Prof. T. Pradell and Prof. J. Molera; the instruments in these laboratories were calibrated on different standards, also the pictures were elaborated with a different software so the delivery of the results appears different. For this reason data are stored in separate folders according to where the analysis were carried out. Samples CO158; CO219; PM03; PM12; PM22; PM65; PM78; GA02; GA03; CP65; CP66; CP67; CP69; CP73; CP75; CP79 and CP85 were analysed in Barcelona. Samples:CO119; CO216; CO217; CP59; CP60; CP61; CP62; CP63; CP64; CP68; CP72; CP74; CP83; CP84; CP87; GA01; GA04; PM02; PM13 and PM75 were analysed in Oxford. One subfolder contains xls files presenting EDS measurements from Barcelona not normalised, the second subfolder contains the Barcelona SEM pictures with the spectra indicated, and the associated EDS measurements normalised. The last subfolder contains the SEM pictures taken in Oxford with the spectra indicated and the associated EDS measurements not normalised. In this collection also presents one xlsx file contains all the EDS measurements normalised organised by sample number, Site Of Interest (SOI) that indicates the area of the sample, and spectra (sp). - OM preliminary pictures of SOI for SEM analysis: This folder contains the pictures taken with Optical Microscopes to characterise the glaze colours in the samples selected for the SEM-EDS analysis. As for the SEM-EDS analysis the folders are organised according to where the samples were analysed because different microscopes were employed. - Testolini 2018 ceramic database: this folder contains the original database archive and the exported files from it. The Filemaker file with fmp12 extension contains the original database archive which can be interrogated by filemaker users. For other users several PDF exports are made available. 4 PDFs present the visual exports of the database data. They are browsable using keywords; complex searches cannot be performed. The titles of the PDF files are: Testolini ceramic database steps of production, Detailed glaze pict and chemical measurements, Glazes comparisons. 2 spreadsheets contain the non visual data of the database. The full ceramic database contains the information about the samples taken (e.g. Layer, date, shape, petrographic group etc.). The SEM analysis file comprises the chemical measurements for the 37 samples analysed with SEM-EDS