Figure 1. 1a, A schematic showing Bi (purple) replacing As (red) in GaAs. 1b, A simplified diagram of the effect of 4 % Bi on the energy bands of GaAs. 1c, The bandgap energy and spin-orbit splitting energy of free-standing and strained GaAsBi, the coloured dots represent the different Bi content samples characterised in this paper. 1d, Schematic cross-section of the p‑i‑n (n‑i‑p) device structures used in this investigation. 1e, Absorption coefficient vs wavelength for a range of Bi contents compared to silicon and GaAs. Figure 2. 2a (b), The symbols show Me (Mh) versus applied reverse bias for p-i-n (n-i-p) structures of varying i-region thickness while the solid lines show the dark currents for 50–100 µm diameter devices. 2c (d), Me-1 (Mh-1) vs electric field for the 400 nm thick p-i-n (n-i-p) diodes of different Bi contents. The solid lines show the simulated results. 2e, a vs inverse electric field at a range of Bi contents; inset shows a versus Bi content at an inverse electric field of 3 × 10-6 cm/V. 2f, b of GaAsBi vs inverse electric field for a range of Bi contents. Figure 3. 3a, The minimum electric field required to cause electrons and holes to ionize (defined as when Me,h = 1.01) in nominally 400 nm GaAsBi p-i-ns and n-i-ps. 3b, The a/b ratio (at Me = 1.1) in GaAsBi as a function of the ∆so energy. 3c, The calculated electric-field dependence of the a/b ratio for different Bi contents. 3d, The measured excess noise. 3e, The simulated excess noise (Fe) at M = 10 for 1500 nm thick avalanching structures with increasing Bi content.