%%%%%----------- 2022/09/02 readme.txt -----------%%%%% This .txt document describes how to make use of the data in this depository. It is to be used alongside journal article "A system-level performance evaluation of a reconfigurable filtenna in the presence of in- and out-of-band blockers", under review in IET Communications. %%%%%------------- Electromagnetic Measurements ----------------%%%%% Data for the electromagnetic (EM) measurements undertaken for this paper are contained in four separate files. Two are .mat files: Fig4_FiltennaGainVsFrequency.mat contains the measured boresight gain of the filtenna against frequency, at four different bias voltages. Three data values are vectors of length 201, while the other two are arrays of 201x4, with the 4 being bias voltages [8V,11V,15V,16V] in order. The arrays are: freq - Frequency in Hz; boresightClose - Received power (dBm) at each frequency point; gainBoresightClose - Gain (dBi) against frequency calculated using reference and measured values; refGainInt - Gain (dBi) of the reference antenna at each frequency point; refMeas - Measured power (dBm) received from the reference antenna at each frequency point. Fig5Fig6_RadiationPatterns.mat contains the measured radiation patterns of the filtenna in two planes (E-plane and H-plane), at two different frequencies (1.4 GHz and 1.9 GHz) and two different bias voltages (8V and 26.5V). All entries are vecotrs of length 361. The vectors are: angle - Angle of pattern in degrees; gain$plane$$bias$V$freq$G.mat - Measured gain (dBi) against angle for the following characteristics: $plane$=[E,H] is the principle cut type; $bias$=[8,265] is the bias voltage used (note no decimal in 26.5); $freq$=[14,19] is the frequency of measurement (again note no decimal points). The other two EM measurement files are CSV files openable in Excel. Both contain intermodulation measurements for Fig 8 of the paper, and contain in-depth detail inside the files: Fig8a_IntermodulationFrequency.csv Fig8b_IntermodulationPower.csv %%%%%------------- System Measurements ----------------%%%%% Measured data for the system experiment (EVM and BLER for a given receive power and system setup, as shown in Figs. 11,14 & 15) are contained in SystemMeasurements.mat and consist of real vectors. Received powers are in dBm, EVM is in % and BLER is unitless. Some vector values are NaN in order to maintain equivalent lengths between comparable values for plotting purposes. The indexing is as follows: 1: 1.44 GHz Baseline Measurement (no blocker) 2: 1.94 GHz Baseline Measurement 3: 1.44 GHz ACS Measurement (blocker 2.5kHz away) 4: 1.94 GHz ACS Measurement %%%%%------------- Document Ends ----------------%%%%%