All the AFM images were taken in air - Surface attachement method: Poly-L-LysineL coated mica Each folder contains several areas cut from a big image and are untreated (raw) or treated with the following tools (treated): Gwyddion treatment of all area images: 3 points + mask + median differences + Polymer 1st order - The thickness of individual cell-wall fragment (i.e. sacculi) was measured in the following manner: - First the image of each area was treated using the above tools - Then, the 1D statistics tool on Gwyddion was selected showing Height Distribution - Only the area of interest of a single layer sacculi was marked - Then, the graph showing two peaks (the first peak being the background and the second the sacculi height) were fitted using the fitting tools ("Gaussian") - The x0 of each peak was shown on the Gwyddion pop up window and the background value and the sacculi peak were manually annotated in the Excel file "sample - thickness_results" - On the Excel file found in each folder, the two values were substracted to obtain an accurate measurement of the sacculi thickness - Each individual sacculi was saved with it's location on the area images, the graph and the graph in text form to aid in replication and checking of the data. These can be found in the subfolder named: "measurements of sacculi_raw data" on each folder from each sample. For any questions regarding this procedure contact the authors of the paper.